“Climate Witness: Changing Polar Landscapes” Exhibition Launch at the Museum of Climate Change and Appointment as the Inaugural MoCC Scholar

After extensive preparation and anticipation, I am thrilled to announce the official launch of my exhibition, “Climate Witness: Changing Polar Landscapes.” This exhibition is the culmination of months of dedicated effort and collaboration with esteemed professionals in the field, namely Dr. Rebecca Lee and Dr. Wilson Cheung, who have provided invaluable insights and guidance. I am incredibly grateful for the unwavering support from the Museum of Climate Change team, whose expertise has been instrumental in bringing this exhibition to fruition.

“Climate Witness: Changing Polar Landscapes” focuses on the Dr. Sylvia Earle Antarctic Climate Expedition in February 2023, which I participated as the sole Hong Kong Representative and Steering Committee Member. The exhibition aims to shed light on the profound and alarming impact of climate change on the delicate ecosystems of the Antarctic region. Through captivating visuals and immersive experiences, visitors will bear witness to the dramatic changes unfolding in these polar landscapes.

One of the exhibition’s primary objectives is to raise awareness about the far-reaching consequences of climate change. By showcasing ice sheets overrun with green algae and penguins struggling to adapt to extreme weather conditions, we aim to evoke a sense of urgency and inspire collective action. These poignant images and narratives will serve as a wake-up call, urging visitors to reflect on their own role in addressing climate change.

Complementing these captivating visuals, the exhibition will feature a collection of remarkable photographs and sketches generously contributed by Dr. Lee, who embarked on expeditions to the North and South Poles over two decades ago. These historical artifacts offer a compelling comparison that underscores the magnitude of environmental transformations over time. Through an intergenerational dialogue, we aim to illustrate the stark environmental transformations that have occurred over the years. The exhibition will shed light on these changes through the unique perspectives of women explorers.

To further enrich the exhibition, we have chosen to highlight the stories of three exceptional explorers whose tireless work has brought them face-to-face with the effects of climate change. Through carefully curated video footage, we will share the experiences of esteemed individuals such as marine biologist Dr. Sylvia Earle, whale scientist Dr. Olaf Meynecke, and filmmaker Mr. Craig Leeson. Their firsthand accounts will provide unique perspectives and foster a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by these fragile ecosystems.

Dr. Sylvia Earle is a renowned marine biologist and oceanographer who has dedicated her life to the study and conservation of the world’s oceans. Her groundbreaking work and unwavering commitment to ocean exploration have made her a leading figure in the field. In recognition of her significant contributions to marine science and environmental advocacy, Dr. Earle has received numerous prestigious awards and honors, including the TED Prize, which she was awarded in 2009 for her efforts to protect the world’s oceans. She is also the founder of Mission Blue, an organization dedicated to establishing marine protected areas and raising awareness about the need for ocean conservation. I had the honor of joining the Antarctic Climate Expedition organized by Mission Blue and Ocean Geographic under her leadership during February 2023. By featuring Dr. Earle’s experiences and insights in “Climate Witness: Changing Polar Landscapes,” the exhibition aims to emphasize the critical role that individuals like her play in advancing our understanding of climate change and its impact on our planet. Her expertise and passion serve as an inspiration for visitors, encouraging them to take action and become stewards of our oceans and the environment as a whole.

I am immensely honored to have been appointed as the inaugural Museum of Climate Change Scholar (MoCC Scholar) by the esteemed Museum of Climate Change at its 10th Anniversary, and the 60th Anniversary of The Chinese University of Hong Kong on 16th December, 2023. This recognition signifies a profound commitment to my lifelong mission of serving and nurturing. This title represents more than just a recognition—it is a lifelong mission to serve and nurture. In line with this, I will continue to embody the spirit of ACE: Advocate, Communicate, and Educate – Reaffirming my dedication to advocating for climate action, effectively communicating the urgency of the issue, and educating diverse audiences through innovative and accessible means.

As the exhibition unfolds, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude and anticipation. I am eager to share this transformative experience with visitors from all walks of life, inspiring them to become catalysts for change. Together, let us embark on a journey of understanding, empathy, and collective action as we confront the challenges of climate change and work towards a sustainable future for our planet.


Exhibition Information

Exhibition Title: “Climate Witness: Changing Polar Landscapes”「目擊氣候:變遷中的極地」

Curators: Inaugural Museum of Climate Change Scholar Ms. Natalie Chung, Dr. Rebecca Lee, Mr. Wilson Cheung, Museum of Climate Change Team

Supporting Organizations: Mission Blue, Ocean Geographic, Polar Museum Foundation, V’air Sustainability Education

Location: Museum of Climate Change, 8/F, Yasumoto International Academic Park, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (closest to University MTR Station Exit D)

Duration: 16 December 2023 until 3 August 2024

Opening Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu-Sat 9:30am-5pm (Free Entry)

Further Information: https://www.mocc.cuhk.edu.hk/en-gb/museum/plan-a-visit

Media Enquiry: Natalie Chung – natalie@vairhk.com

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